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Paternity / Parentage

Birmingham Paternity / Parentage Lawyer

Serving Jefferson County,  Walker County & Alabama

In the state of Alabama, “paternity” is considered the parental relationship that is established between a child and a man. Biological parentage, for example, establishes paternity based solely on blood-relation rather than parenting time or ability.

If you need to establish biological paternity of your child, you should reach out to an experienced lawyer who understands how to navigate a paternity hearing. Forrester Law has the experience working in the legal system and fighting for the rights of his other. Regardless of the reasons behind your desire to establish paternity, we can help.

Common Reasons to Establish Paternity

Most individuals will never have to have a paternity test completed on their children. A married couple, for example, might not need a paternity test because they are not currently in a situation where proof of biological parentage is needed. If you are in a situation where you need to pursue child support or establish parental rights – you will need to establish the paternity of the child in question.

Paternity: Proof vs. Presumed

Many individuals do not find themselves in a situation where the need to have a paternity test comes up. 

  • If the birth mother and man in question were married when they conceived the child and the child was born while they were married, then the man is presumed to be the father

  • If the birth mother and the man in question married after the child was born but the man is listed (consensually) on the birth certificate, then the man is presumed to be the father

  • If the birth mother and the man in question completed a paternity acknowledgement, then the man is presumed to be the father

Presumed paternity is not enough “proof” to establish paternity. Even if you are the presumed parent of a child, if you find yourself in a situation where you might have to pay child support or something similar, it can be a good idea to confirm biological paternity via a paternity test. This can help guarantee both that your rights to the child are definitively established and that you are not obligated to pay anything you might not be responsible for. When the time comes to establish the parentage of your child, you should strongly consider investing in an experienced paternity and family law attorney. These professionals can help make the situation easier than it might otherwise be by setting up various court dates and taking care of paperwork and other inconveniences.

Contact an experienced paternity / parentage attorney today!

If you are considering establishing the biological parentage of your child, for any reason, you should reach out to an experienced attorney for help. The right attorney can help ensure that your rights are strictly upheld and that your obligations are legal in nature. Learn more about your rights and options by contacting Forrester Law, LLC, at 205-521-0011 for a free consultation. Based in Birmingham, the firm also maintains an office in Jasper. Mr. Forrester handles legal matters throughout Jefferson County and the surrounding areas.

